Schacht Warping Board - 14 Yards-Warping Board-Schacht-Revolution Fibers

Schacht Warping Board - 14 Yards

  • Warping Board
  • Schacht

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Square frames with pegs at specified intervals so that you can make a precise length warp. You may use only part of the frame so that smaller warp lengths can be made.

Maximum sizes are specified. This is a Schacht 14-yd maple warping board (39" x 31"). Can easily be disassembled for storage.

If you're in need of more yardage you might try the Schacht Warping Mill as a possible solution.

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A Pioneer in Weaving and Spinning Excellence

Discover the heart and soul of weaving and spinning with the Schacht Spindle Company, an industry pioneer with a rich heritage of over 50 years. As we at Revolution Fibers explore their story, you'll see why we trust and proudly offer Schacht's high-quality, innovative tools. With Schacht, experience a delightful weaving and spinning journey, propelled by tradition, craftsmanship, and a dedicated fiber community.

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