Schacht Inkle Loom-Inkle Loom-Schacht-Revolution Fibers
Schacht Inkle Loom-Inkle Loom-Schacht-Revolution Fibers
(6) Reviews

Schacht Inkle Loom

  • Inkle Loom
  • Schacht
$134.00 $0.00 /

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Products from Schacht Spindle Company are custom made by skilled craftspeople in Boulder, Colorado. Due to high demand, current lead times are 1-3 weeks. Wheels & looms are 3-5 weeks. (updated August 2024)

Inkle looms are great for weaving belts and bands. They’re perfect for start-up weaving programs because they require little additional equipment, are easy to use and understand, and are easily stored.

Our inkle loom is built with years of heavy use in mind. It has one open side for easy warping. The tension bar has a knob that adjusts warp tension. Warps can be up to 4.5″ wide and 8.5′ long. The Inkle Loom is made of hard maple and left unfinished.

Schacht’s belt shuttle is included with the inkle loom. It has one beveled edge, which is great for holding yarn and for beating the weft.

Weaving Cards can be used with your Inkle Loom to create incredible woven designs of infinite complexity.

Choosing the right yarn is essential for your Inkle Loom weaving projects. Strong, smooth, low-stretch yarns are ideal. Great options would be:

Bockens 8/2 Cotton (for crisp bands, warp, and weft) 
Bockens 12/6 Cotton (for sturdier straps, warp, and weft)
Bockens Cottolin (added strength, warp, and weft)
Bockens Cotton Seine Twine (extra strong heavy-use option for warp and weft)

For Wool:
Brown Sheep Nature Spun (for durability, smooth texture, warp, and weft)
Revolution Fibers Heritage Cone Fingering (for weft or projects where slight elasticity in the warp is acceptable)

For a softer decorative feel:
Sero Silk Noil (adds texture, works best for weft)
Mulberry Silk Cone (adds a smooth glossy finish for trims and decorative bands)


  • Solid Hard Maple Construction
  • Warp Tension Adjustment Knob
  • Length: 31"
  • Width: 7"
  • Height: 9.5"
  • Belt Shuttle
  • Comes Fully Assembled

    A Pioneer in Weaving and Spinning Excellence

    Discover the heart and soul of weaving and spinning with the Schacht Spindle Company, an industry pioneer with a rich heritage of over 50 years. As we at Revolution Fibers explore their story, you'll see why we trust and proudly offer Schacht's high-quality, innovative tools. With Schacht, experience a delightful weaving and spinning journey, propelled by tradition, craftsmanship, and a dedicated fiber community.

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