Louet Mini Combs Single and Double Row

Louet Mini Combs | Single Row & Double Row Combs

  • Combs
  • Louet
 - $183.00

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Carding and combing are pre-spinning treatments to align the fibers which enables you to spin fibers more easily. For the technique of felting or making woolen blankets, carding is essential. Combing straightens the fibers more than carding. This difference determines the character of the spun thread: worsted or woolen-spun.

The flicker is a handy tool used to tease locks of fiber in preparation for spinning. The curved paddle of tulip wood is 6 X 10 cm (2 3/8" X 4") and has a less flexible cloth than the other cards. This allows felted ends of the locks to be straightened out. In order to ensure a long life, the teeth on all Louet carders are made of high grade plated steel wire.

Single Row Comb Features:

  • Single Row Configuration
  • Solid Ash Construction
  • Lacquered Finish
  • Width: 2.5" (6.5cm)
  • Weight: 2.4 oz. (70g)

Double Row Comb Features:

  • Double Row Configuration
  • Solid Ash Construction
  • Lacquered Finish
  • Width: 2.5" (6.5cm)
  • Weight: 2.4 oz. (70g)
  • Tines are enclosed in wood to prevent end tines from breaking
  • Tines are 4 mm apart and 5.5 cm long.
  • Tines are set in a plastic fitting that is about 3.5 mm deep.
  • Tine is centered in this plastic fitting and there is 1/2 mm on either side of the tine.

    Looking for quality rovings to compliment your beautiful new Louet Flicker? Look no further, shop roving here!

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