The 15 Best Knitting Memes You Don't want to Miss Out On..

The 15 Best Knitting Memes You Don't want to Miss Out On..

Everyone loves a good laugh, and today we're bringing you just that! Some of these knitting and crafting memes may be all too relatable.

Nevertheless, we're counting down our favorite 15 Knititng Memes. Read along below to see our favorites counted down! 


15. The dog days of summer also come with plently of LYS discounts, where we all seem to stock up and hit the cold weather season with a few extra pounds of wool to get our projects started. We got skeins, and they're multiplying! Ah yes, a timeless Grease reference. 

14. Respond to 1 email, buy 1 pretty skein. Repeat. This is the way of the crafting work world and we aren't complaining..though our bosses may be..


13. And if we're not buying yarn and fiber at work, we're certainly browsing for ideas. Nevermind the 13 projects we've half-finished around the house. It's time for something new. Let the creativity flow! This is Drake approved.


12. Speaking of half-finished projects. The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of...our children and Significant Others yelling at us to cleanup our WIPs spread throughout the house!

11. Who deosn't love a good Zoolander meme.. or Fade Shawl for that matter!?  I think I'll go start a Fade Shawl project that I never intend to finish now!

10. May the Stitch be with you. Even manly men have a creative side, and the stitch in this one is strong!

9. Winter problems? Not for knitters. This is the season we've been preparing for all 3 seasons long.


8. Speaking of problems, Jay-z may have said it best. Almost.


7. When you married a knitting beauty and pretended to understand what she was talking about for far too long..


6. Who needs real friends when you can knit yourself company that always agrees with your opinions?

5. Well this is a classic meme that just has to be included in our list.


4. Nobody is safe from a knitting fanatics generousity. 

3. My pets are my children, and they will be treated accordingly.


2. We're on a mission to turn all our friends into lean, mean, knitting machines.

1. We can't take grandma anywhere! 

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